Fighting Eczema Programs
1-on-1 Program
Current price: $1200 USD
The Fighting Eczema 1-On-1 Program includes:
Structured video appointments with Dr. Larry Lu, ND
Intake, treatment plan, and follow ups as needed
Online support with Dr. Larry Lu, ND for life
This program is for those of you (age 19+) who want direct and personalized recommendations to help heal your skin. Throughout your appointments you can expect a thorough intake, personalized treatment plans, and continued monitoring for life. Larry will be working with you on ALL aspects of your health, not only your skin health. This program provides guaranteed lifetime coaching until your skin clears or you do not need Larry anymore.
Adolescent Program
Current price: $1000 USD
The Fighting Eczema Adolescent Program includes:
Structured video appointments with Dr. Larry Lu, ND
Intake, treatment plan, and follow ups as needed
Online support with Dr. Larry Lu, ND for life
This program is designed for adolescents ages 18 or under who need support with their skin. Larry will work closely with both the adolescent and their guardians to develop a proper longterm skin-healing plan. Throughout the structured appointments you can expect a thorough intake, personalized treatment plans, and continued monitoring. This program provides the adolescent with appointments for life and online support as needed. This guarantees that Larry will work with the adolescent until their skin clears and they do not need him anymore.
Please note: Dr. Larry Lu, ND is a licensed naturopathic doctor in New Brunswick, Canada. However, through these online Fighting Eczema Coaching Programs he will be working with you as a health coach. Due to this reason, he cannot accept health insurance or benefits plans.